

Chinese 師資隊伍 團隊介紹 生物材料與再生醫學團隊


團隊名稱:納米生物材料與再生醫學研究中心(Research Center for Nano-biomaterials & Regenerative Medicine)




1. 生物材料

2. 組織工程

3. 3D生物打印與器官芯片

4. 藥物緩釋載體及靶向治療






1. 國家自然科學基金,22307092,仿生納米酶構築的BACE1靶向調控平台用于阿爾茨海默症的多級協同治療,2024/01-2026/12,30萬元。

2. 國家自然科學基金,12272253,應力刺激下成骨細胞介導類骨磷灰石形成機理研究,2023/01-2026/12,56萬元。

3. 國家自然科學基金,12202302,力學刺激下基于膠原的軟骨植入物降解與軟骨再生機制研究,2023/01-2025/12,30萬元。

4. 國家自然科學基金,12002231,PD-L1蛋白的唾液酸修飾在肝癌幹細胞自我更新及免疫逃逸中的作用及分子機制,2022/01-2024/12,30萬元。

5. 國家自然科學基金,12002231,主動脈管壁闆層結構響應局部載荷的生物力學機制研究,2021/01-2023/12,24萬元。

6. 國家自然科學基金,11902214,力學刺激下HA/PU複合組織工程骨的構建及其生物學響應機制研究,2020/01-2022/12,27萬元。

7. 國家自然科學基金,11802197,基于水凝膠多級結構仿生設計關節軟骨替代材料及其粘彈性力學行為研究,2019/01-2021/12,28萬元。

8. 國家自然科學基金,11502158,力-化學協同作用納米磷灰石取向生長研究,2016/01-2018/12,25萬元。

9. 國家自然科學基金,51502192,微納米礦化絲素/硫酸鈣雙緩釋系統的構建及其促進感染性骨缺損修複的機理研究,2015/01-2018/12,24萬元。

10. 國家自然科學基金,51503140,卵巢癌細胞表面納米粒子殼化的靶向緩釋系統構建及納米殼化抗癌效能評價,2015/01-2018/12,20萬元。


1. Chapters: Cui Wenguo, Zhao Xin, Theranostic bionanomaterials. Cao Xia, Huang Di, Zhang Yu Shrike, Bionanomaterials as imaging contrast agents, 2019, 401-416. ISBN: 978-0-12-815341-3.

2. Xu Huilun, Liu Zhengjiang, Wei Yan, Hu Yinchun, Zhao Liqin, Wang Longfei, Liang Ziwei, Lian Xiaojie, Chen Weiyi, Wang Jiucun, Yu Zhaoyan, Ma Xudong, Huang Di, Complexation-induced resolution enhancement pleiotropic small diameter vascular constructs with superior antibacterial and angiogenesis properties, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2023, 2301809.

3. Cao Yu, Wang Longfei, Zhang Xiumei, Lu Yi, Wei Yan, Liang Ziwei, Hu Yinchun, Huang Di, Double-crosslinked PNIPAM-based hydrogel dressings with adjustable adhesion and contractility, Regenerative Biomaterials, 2023, rbad081.

4. Xu Huilun, Liu Kejun, Su Yimeng, Liu Zhengjiang, Wei Yan, Hu Yinchun, Zhao Liqin, Chen Lingfeng, Liao Xiaojie, Huang Di, Rapid formation of ultrahigh strength vascular graft: Prolonging clotting time micro-dimension hollow vessels with interpenetrating polymer networks, Composites Part B Engineering, 2023, 250, 110456.

5. Su Yimeng, Zhang Xiumei, Wei Yan, Gu Yu, Xu Huilun, Liao Ziming, Du Jingjing, Hu Yinchun, Lian Xiaojie, Chen Weiyi, Deng Yi, Huang Di, Nanocatalytic hydrogel with rapid photodisinfection and robust adhesion for fortified cutaneous regeneration, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(5), 6354-6370.

6. Niu Xiaolian, Xu Zhiwei, Di Mingzhao, Huang Di, Li Xiaoming, Bioreactor strategies for tissue-engineered osteochondral constructs: Advantages, present situations and future trends, Composites Part B Engineering, 2023, 259, 110736.

7. Liao Ziming, Zhang Luyao, Lan Weiwei, Du Jingjing, Hu Yinchun, Wei Yan, Hang Ruiqiang, Chen Weiyi, Huang Di, In situ titanium phosphate formation on titanium implant as an ultrahigh linking with nano-hydroxyapatite coating for rapid osseointegration, Biomaterials Science, 2023, 11, 2230-2242.

8. Xu Haofeng, Xu Hao, Ma Shilong, Wei Yan, He Xuhong, Guo Chaiqiong, Wang Yuhui, Liang Ziwei, Hu Yinchun, Zhao Liqin, Lian Xiaojie, Huang Di, Biofunctional electrospun poly(L-lactic acid) membranes incorporating black phosphorus nanosheets and nano-zinc oxide for enhanced biocompatibility and antibacterial properties in catheter materials, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2023, 142, 105884.

9. Liang Ziwei, Wang Yuhui, Wang Jiapu, Xu Tao, Ma Shilong, Liu Qi, Zhao Liqin, Wei Yan, Lian Xiaojie, Huang Di, Multifunctional Fe3O4-PEI@HA nanoparticles in the ferroptosis treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma through modulating reactive oxygen species, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2023, 227, 113358.

10. Ma Shilong, Wei Yan, Sun Ruize, Xu Haofeng, Liu Xuanyu, Wang Yuhui, Liang Ziwei, Hu Yinchun, Lian Xiaojie, Ma Xiaolu, Huang Di, Calcium phosphate bone cements incorporated with black phosphorus nanosheets enhanced osteogenesis, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2023, 9(1), 292-302.

11. Wang Yuhui, Ma Shilong, Liu Xuanyu, Wei Yan, Xu Haofeng, Liang Ziwei, Hu Yinchun, Lian Xiaojie, Huang Di, Hyaluronic acid mediated Fe3O4 nanocubes reversing the EMT through targeted cancer stem cell, Colloids and Surfaces B Biointerfaces, 2023, 222, 113071.

12. Zhang Xiumei, Liu Kejun, Qin Miao, Lan Weiwei, Wang Longfei, Liang Ziwei, Li Xiaochun, Wei Yan, Hu Yinchun, Zhao Liqin, Lian Xiaojie, Huang Di, Abundant tannic acid modified gelatin/sodium alginate biocomposite hydrogels with high toughness, antifreezing, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2023, 309, 120702.

13. Xu Mengjie, Liu Tingting, Qin Miao, Cheng Yizhu, Weiwei Lan, Niu Xiaolian, Wei Yan, Hu Yinchun, Lian Xiaojie, Zhao Liqin, Chen Song, Chen Weiyi, Huang Di, Bone-like hydroxyapatite anchored on alginate microspheres for bone regeneration, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 287, 119330.

14. Ting Zhang, Hao Xu, Yonggang Zhang, Siruo Zhang, Xia Yang, Yan Wei, Di Huang, Xiaojie Lian. Fabrication and characterization of double-layer asymmetric dressing through electrostatic spinning and 3D printing for skin wound repair, Materials & Design, 2022, 218: 110711.

15. Huang Di, Liu Tingting, Liao Junlong, Maharjan Sushila, Xie Xin, Pérez Montserrat, Anaya Ingrid, Wang Shiwei, Alan Tirado Mayer, Kang Zhixin, Kong Weijia, Mainardi Valerio Luca, Garciamendez Carlos Ezio, Garcia German, Morreti Matteo, Zhang Weijia, Gu Zhongze, Ghaemmaghami Amir M, Zhang Yu Shrike, Reversed-engineered human alveolar lung-on-a-chip model, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 118, 19, e2016146118.

16. Xu Mengjie, Qin Miao, Cheng Yizhu, Niu Xiaolian, Kong Jinlong, Zhang Xiumei, Huang Di, Wang Huanan, Alginate Microgels as delivery vehicles for cell-based therapies in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 266, 118128.

17. Zhao Ya, Bai Long, Sun Yonghua, Yao Xiaohong, Huang Xiaobo, Hang Ruiqiang, Huang Di, Low-temperature alkali corrosion induced growth of nanosheet layers on NiTi alloy and their corrosion behavior and biological responses, Corrosion Science, 2021, 190, 109654.

18. Lan Weiwei, Xu Mengjie, Qin Miao, Cheng Yizhu, Zhao Ya, Huang Di, Wei Xiaochun, Guo Yongchang, Chen Weiyi, Physicochemical properties and biocompatibility of the bi-layer polyvinyl alcohol-based hydrogel for osteochondral tissue engineering, Materials & Design, 2021, 204, 109652.

19. Niu Xiaolian, Wang Longfei, Xu Mengjie, Qin Miao, Zhao Liqin, Wei Yan, Hu Yinchun, Lian Xiaojie, Liang Ziwei, Chen Song, Chen Weiyi, Huang Di, Electrospun polyamide-6/chitosan nanofibers reinforced nano-hydroxyapatite/polyamide-6 composite bilayered membranes for guided bone regeneration, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 260, 117769.

20. Zhao Ya, Sun Yonghua, Lan Weiwei, Wang Zhong, Zhang Yi, Huang Di, Yao Xiaohong, Hang Ruiqiang, Self-assembled nanosheets on NiTi alloy facilitate endothelial cell function and manipulate macrophage immune response, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 78, 110-120.

21. Zhang Xiumei, Miao Fenyan, Niu Lulu, Wei Yan, Hu Yinchun, Lian Xiaojie, Zhao Liqin, Chen Weiyi, Huang Di, Berberine carried gelatin/sodium alginate hydrogels with antibacterial and EDTA-induced detachment performances, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 181, 1039-1046.

22. Huang Di, Lin Qiaoxia, Zhou Yujie, Li Jingxuan, Wei Yan, Hu Yinchun, Lian Xiaojie, Chen Song, Chen Weiyi, Ag Nanoparticles Incorporated Tannic Acid/Nanoapatite Composite Coating on Ti Implant Surfaces for Enhancement of Antibacterial and Antioxidant Properties, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2020, 399, 126169.

23. Chen Song, Shen Lulu, Huang Di, Du Juan, Fan Xiaoyu, Wei Aili, Jia Lan, Chen Weiyi, Facile synthesis, microstructure, formation mechanism, in vitro biocompatibility, and drug delivery property of novel dendritic TiO2 nanofibers with ultrahigh surface area, Materials Science & Engineering C, 2020, 115, 111100.

24. Lu Zhenxiao, Zhai Yanjun, Wang Nana, Zhang Yaohui, Xue Pan, Guo Meiqing, Tang Bin, Huang Di, Wang Wenxian, Bai Zhongchao, Dou Shixue, FeS2 nanoparticles embedded in N/S co-doped porous carbon fibers as anode for sodium-ion batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 380: 122455.

25. Weng Zeming, Bai Long, Liu Yanlian, Sun Yonghua, Zhang Xiangyu, Huang Xiaobo, Huang Di, Yao Xiaohong, Hang Ruiqiang, Ostogenic activity, antibacterial ability and Ni release of Mg-incorporated Ni-Ti-O nanopore coatings on NiTi alloy, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 486: 441-451.

26. Zhan Yan, Ting Geng, Liu Yingliang, Hu Chaofan, Zhang Xuejie, Lei Bingfu, Zhuang Jianle, Wu Xu, Huang Di, Xiao Guanjun, Zou Bo, Near-ultraviolet to near-infrared fluorescent nitrogen doped carbon dots with two-photon and piezochromic luminescence, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2018, 10 (33), 27920-27927.

27. Lin Qiaoxia, Huang Di, Du Jingjing, Wei Yan, Hu Yinchun, Lian Xiaojie, Xie Xin, Chen Weiyi, Zhang Yu Shrike, Nano-hydroxyapatite crystals formation based on calcified TiO2 nanotube arrays, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 478: 237-246.

28. Bai Long, Du Zhibin, Du Jingjing, Yao Wei, Zhang Jiaming, Weng Zeming, Liu Si, Zhao Ya, Liu Yanlian, Zhang Xiangyu, Huang Xiaobo, Hang Ruiqiang, Huang Di, Tang Bin, Xiao Yin, A multifaceted coating on titanium dictates osteoimmunomodulation and osteo/angio-genesis towards ameliorative osseointegration, Biomaterials, 2018, 162: 154-169.

29. Hu Yinchun, Zhang Xuerong, Qiu Maibo, Wei Yan, Zhou Qiong, Huang Di, From coffee ring to spherulites ring of poly(ethylene oxide) film from drying droplet, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 434: 626-632.

30. Bai Long, Liu Yanlian, Du Zhibin, Weng Zhiming, Yao Wei, Zhang Xiangyu, Huang Xiaobo, Yao Xiaohong, Ross Crawford, Hang Ruiqiang, Huang Di, Tang Bin, Xiao Yin, Differential effect of hydroxyapatite nano-particle vs nano-rod decorated titanium micro-surface on osteointegration, Acta Biomaterialia, 2018, 76, 344-358.


1. 2023第二屆團泊湖中醫藥現代化論壇并做邀請報告(邀請報告),2023.6.1-2.

2. 2023中國生物醫學工程大會暨創新醫療峰會(邀請報告),2023.5.19-21.

3. 2023第一屆生物材料與醫療器械贛江學術論壇(邀請報告),2023.4.7-9

4. 2021-2022中國生物醫學工程大會暨創新醫療峰會(邀請報告),2022.4.21-23.

5. 2022全國生物醫用複合材料學術年會(邀請報告),2022.10.12-13.

6. 2021中國生物材料大會(邀請報告),上海,2021.10.11-14.

7. 2021全國生物力學大會,貴陽,2021.10.05-09

8. 2021全國高聚物分子與結構表征學術研讨會,貴陽, 2021.5.21-23

9. 2020全國生物力學優秀青年學者學術會議(邀請報告),杭州, 2020.11.20-22.

10. 2019中國生物醫學工程大會暨創新醫療峰會(邀請報告),濟南, 2019.11.14-16.

11. 2019年中國生物材料大會暨國際先進生物材料大會,大連, 2019.8.22-25.

12. 第七屆中美生物醫學工程暨海内外生物力學學術研讨會,重慶, 2019.7.20-24.

13. 第十三屆上海國際骨科前沿技術與臨床轉化學術會議(邀請報告),上海, 2019.5.3-5.

14. 2019生物力學在臨床及康複領域應用國際學術研讨會,北京, 2019.8.11-12.

15. 5th Symposium on innovative Polymers for Controlled Delivery, Suzhou, China, 2018.9.14-2018.9.17.

16. 第十二屆全國生物力學學術會議暨第十四屆全國生物流變學學術會議,中國,西安, 2018.8.17-21. 優秀學術報告獎(胡銀春、林巧霞).

17. 中國生物材料大會,中國,南昌, 2017.10.27-29, 2017第三屆屆全國生物力學青年學者學術研讨會,重慶,2018.05.

18. 第十六屆全國青年材料科學技術研讨會,中國,天津, 2017.10.13-15.

19. 2017年中國生物醫學工程大會,中國,北京,2017.4.20-22.

20. 第八屆全國組織工程與再生醫學大會暨第六屆全國骨科修複、重建、再生與康複學術研讨會,中國,重慶, 2017. 6.3-5.

21. 第6屆中美生物醫學工程暨海内外生物力學學術研讨會,中國,上海2016.8.5-8.

22. 第十一屆全國生物力學學術會議暨第十三屆全國生物流變學學術會議,中國,太原,2015.10.10-14.

23. 中國生物材料大會暨中美生物材料學會第三次專題論壇,中國,海口, 2015.11.19-22.




1. 2023第八屆全國大學生生命科學競賽(科學探究類)全國一等獎(指導老師:梁紫微)。

2. 2022山西省優秀碩士學位論文(張秀梅)

3. 2022研究生國家獎學金(徐慧倫)

4. 2022第七屆全國大學生生命科學競賽(科學探究類)全國二等獎(指導老師:梁紫微)。

5. 2021研究生國家獎學金(張秀梅、丁慧秀)

6. 2021山西省研究生教育創新項目(張秀梅、丁慧秀)

7. 2021第六屆全國生物醫學工程創新設計競賽二等獎(指導老師:胡銀春)

8. 2021第六屆全國生物醫學工程創新設計競賽三等獎(指導老師:黃棣)

9. 2021yh86银河国际官方网站優秀碩士學位論文(牛小連)

10. 2020第六屆山西省“互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽銀獎(指導教師:黃棣)

11. 2020研究生國家獎學金(蘭偉偉、徐夢潔、牛小連、秦苗)

12. 2020山西省研究生教育創新項目(蘭偉偉、徐夢潔)

13. 2020山西省優秀碩士學位論文(林巧霞)

14. 2019中國康複輔助器具創新設計競賽優秀獎(指導老師:黃棣)

15. 2019第五屆全國生物醫學工程創新設計競賽一等獎(指導老師:胡銀春)

16. 2019第五屆全國生物醫學工程創新設計競賽二等獎(指導老師:黃棣)

17. 2019第五屆全國生物醫學工程創新設計競賽三等獎(指導老師:趙麗琴)

18. 2019研究生國家獎學金(林巧霞、徐睿)

19. 2019yh86银河国际官方网站優秀碩士學位論文(殷萌)

20. 2019yh86银河国际官方网站大學生創新創業優秀項目(指導老師:趙麗琴)

21. 2018創青春全國大學生創業大賽銅獎(指導老師:連小潔)

22. 2018研究生國家獎學金(王志微、戰岩)

23. 2018山西省研究生教育創新項目(殷萌)

24. 2018yh86银河国际官方网站大學生創新創業優秀項目(指導老師:黃棣)

25. 2018yh86银河国际官方网站優秀本科畢業論文(指導老師:黃棣)

26. 2017山西省研究生教育創新項目(劉世超)

27. 2017yh86银河国际官方网站特優本科畢設論文(指導老師:黃棣,杜晶晶)

28. 2017yh86银河国际官方网站大學生創新創業優秀項目(指導老師:黃棣)


1. 納米生物材料制備平台:靜電紡絲機(KH-1089),噴霧幹燥機(BILON-6000Y),高溫爐(GSL-1700X,ZY-L1400),電化學工作站,冷凍幹燥機,生物打印機,激光切割機,微流控器官芯片等;

2. 納米生物材料檢測平台:場發射掃描電鏡(JSM-7100F,附EDS、EBSD、離子濺射儀),X射線衍射儀(DX-2700BH,附掠入射平台),紅外光譜儀(Nicolet IS10,附ATR),四探針測試儀(SB120),粘度計(NDJ-8S)等,紫外可見分光光度計(SP-754),疲勞力學試驗機(Bose3200),萬能力學試驗機;

3. 納米生物材料生物學評價平台:細胞實驗室(Nicon TiS熒光倒置相差顯微鏡,Thermo Forma311細胞培養箱,Biorad iMark酶标儀,高速冷凍離心機,超淨工作台,十萬級潔淨安全櫃;超純水系統,滅菌系統等);分子生物學實驗室(PCR,電泳系統,凝膠成像系統,超聲細胞粉碎儀,碎冰機等);微生物實驗室(細菌培養箱、超淨工作台、生物顯微鏡、恒溫搖床等);動物實驗室(無影燈,锉磨機,手術器械系統,動物飼養系統等)。
